Monday, April 20, 2009

"Life's a ride...Enjoy it!"

Running.The act of running; traveling on foot at a fast pace; "he broke into a run"

Today I went for a run the first time in a long long time. It was challenging but, afterward I felt so great. During the run of course I questioned why I even like running and then what it is about it I like so I tried to put it into thoughts...

I like running because it's a time thats just mine. It's a time for me to push myself while challenging my body physically and mentally. I can reflect about my day or an issue but, also if I want to just forget about something I can turn my music up loud and just let my legs carry me. I can talk to God where no one can stop me and interrupt that time. It's just mine and his. Sometimes I think that my body is much physically stronger then mentally but I have been working at getting them in sync together. Then I went up this HUGE hill and I hate doing hills. I kept telling myself not to walk and just get up but, the hill never ended it felt so long. All of a sudden I felt like such a "sissy." I was thinking SERIOUSLY I can't run 40 min and not feel tired and people like Tom can do an ironman. I reminded myself to stop thinking negatively and just do the best I can at that moment. My mom always told me "Meyer's NEVER give up" and for some reason that saying has stuck with me my entire life. I just repeated that once to myself and then I went on my merry way.

Today I was running and thinking about God and just how amazing his love is for us. Running in Fiji is like EONS different from running at home. It's like creep feast 2009! Not many people here run for fun unless your a tourist. So I really stand out. Actually I feel like so many more people at home workout but, maybe here it's just in different ways. The women of the villages work so hard at every other task I don't see how they would even have time or energy to work out. So anyways I got gawked at and was beginning to feel a bit like a item you purchase. I tried staring at the ground to make it go away but, I still felt all the people staring guys and girls. It was so weird. Then I passed 3 bus fulls of middle schoolers. SWEET right? I could hear all them yelling at me even through my headphones and I wanted to scream "READ YOUR BIBLE JESUS LOVES YOU!!!" but I didn't I held it together despite my many almost breakdown moments at the Fijian gawker.

And to end the post. Today I saw on a car (which I must say I have never heard of many of the brands of cars here) Around the license plate it said "Life's a ride. Enjoy it" So that is exactly what I am doing.

1 comment:

  1. Ah! I can't wait to run with you when you get back! Running in Spain was the same way, "creep fest 2009" hahaha! Love ya!
